
Hello all!

I am so proud to anounce my latest collaboration with a new sus­tain­able startup fash­ion com­pany VIDA, based out of San Fran­cisco. The VIDA staff had seen my work and were eager to invite me to design some new scarves and silk shirts for their lineup from my artworks. When I heard the story of the com­pany, it was the minute I decided it’s a great think happening.

VIDA is a global partnership of creators, design­ers from around the world with mak­ers in Pak­istan and India in accor­dance with high eth­i­cal stan­dards, to cre­ate orig­i­nal, beau­ti­ful prod­ucts from natural materials.  And the best part is that using part of pro­ceeds from the sales of the prod­ucts, VIDA creates literacy programs for the mak­ers, so that they have oppor­tu­ni­ties to learn read­ing, writ­ing and basic math that they would not oth­er­wise have. I feel more optimistic with these news about social caring.

There are now four prod­ucts available on their site, and if the pre-orders sell ONLY within the next 14 days, VIDA will make the prod­ucts.

(As extra , VIDA is offer­ing the coupon code VOICES for 25% off of any pre­orders — which makes these products incred­i­bly rea­son­able ) and if you order by the end of this month, they have a spe­cial offer on inter­na­tional ship­ping for only $5USD!

So, simply click on this link to pre-order any one of these t-shirts and don’t forget to include coupon code VOICES to get 25% off!     :

I can’t wait to get mine!